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5 Things Parents & Teachers Need To Know About ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD impacts one out of 10 kids in America. Even with the disorder being relatively prevalent, there are numerous misconceptions that persist. To clear up the air, here are 5 things parents and teachers need to know about ADHD.

  1. The main indicators of a child suffering from ADHD include impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention. Most children with this condition will be hyperactive, impulsive, and inattentive at times. However, for a child to receive a diagnosis of ADHD, these symptoms must hamper them significantly in various places like at home and at school. This disorder is for children, which means that the symptoms must be visible before adolescence hits. Some of the telltale signs can begin in preschool, but most children aren’t diagnosed with the condition until the latter stages of childhood.
  2. There are various kinds of ADHD: predominantly inattentive presentation; predominantly impulsive/hyperactive presentation; combined presentation. Most kids suffering from ADHD have a mixture of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention and would be fall under the category of ADHD-combined presentation. Other kids who mostly struggle with impulsivity and hyperactivity would fall under the category of ADHD impulsive/hyperactive presentation.
  3. ADHD is essentially a brain-based disorder. Children cannot overcome symptoms associated with ADHD by ‘focusing harder’ or willing their mental state to ‘pay attention. Brain imaging research has revealed that persons with ADHD have structurally different brains compared to persons without ADHD. What’s more, it runs in the family. Kids whose parents suffer from ADHD have around a 40% to 60% chance of contracting ADHD. At times, a kid’s diagnosis can be the first indicator that their parent(s) may also have ADHD.
  4. ADHD symptoms can make forming social, family, and school relationships that much difficult. Schools generally need one to have attention and organizational skills, factors that may be hard for children suffering from ADHD. They may find it challenging organizing their thoughts, not be capable of completing homework, and have difficulty planning and thinking ahead.
  5. There are excellent treatments that kids with ADHD can enroll in. There are multiple research-backed therapies that can assist in relieving ADHD symptoms. Some of the best approaches combine multiple therapies, for instance:

Contact us or call us today if you need help from an ADHD psychiatrist. We’re here to help you! Visit our blog for more related articles.

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