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Adult ADHD Psychiatrist Texas

Treatment For ADHD In Adults At Aura MD

What is ADHD?

ADHD is also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD can adversely affect your performance both at work, home and your relationships if left untreated.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, better known as ADHD or ADD, is a condition that causes problems with a person’s ability to concentrate, get organized, and stay focused.  ADHD occurs in both children and adults. Many adults who suffer from ADHD are not aware that they have it.

About 11% of children and 4.4% of adults in the United States are currently reported to be living with ADHD and seeking the help of a local psychiatrist in Texas.

Symptoms of Adult ADHD

People with ADHD may have issues with waking up, getting ready for the day, organizing their day, arriving at work or school on time, problems with time management and can end up spending more time with tasks than their colleagues.

People who suffer from ADHD may tend to have issues with processing instructions or procrastinating and struggling to meet deadlines. 

Every patient with ADHD is unique and can present differently and so it is especially important to have a provider who has expertise in this area to help with treatment.

Getting diagnosed with ADHD as an adult can be challenging. Many adults have never seen a doctor about their symptoms due to embarrassment or feeling like they just aren’t performing at their best. Not getting proper diagnosis and treatment can lead to decreased quality of life, both professionally and personally. Adult ADHD is quite different than children with ADD, so it’s important that you see a practitioner who has experience treating adults. Aura MD is the best place in Texas for this type of evaluation.

ADD Testing & ADHD Testing In Texas

It is not uncommon for an adult to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Many adults are surprised when they are diagnosed with ADHD as many adults often ignore the symptoms of ADHD.  If you have untreated or undiagnosed ADHD, the symptoms  may seem like a normal part of life if you have never been properly diagnosed.  It is also important to control along with ADHD any other symptoms that could be affecting your ability to focus and perform at your best- such as anxiety and depression or sleeping issues.

Aura MD provides evaluations for adults with no prior diagnosis but are concerned they may have symptoms of ADHD, or are currently being treated for ADHD but not achieving the results they had hoped for. Dr. Ashley Toutounchi is a board certified adult psychiatrist who specializes in helping you find the right ADD medications to help you perform at your best.

Locating a Texas psychiatric provider who specializes in adult add treatment is important for you to achieve the best results. Dr. Toutounchi offers add testing and detailed clinical evaluations and will tailor your treatment to an appropriate plan specifically for you.

If you’ve never seen a doctor about your symptoms of ADHD, it’s not too late. Aura MD provides full evaluations. The physicians and Aura MD team will ask you questions about your everyday life, job and academic performance to ensure we accurately diagnose your symptoms. The clinicians at Aura MD create treatment plans that address the unique needs of each patient. There are a number of proven treatment options that can help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.  At Aura MD, our trusted providers are dedicated to helping you find the right treatment options and offer other lifestyle modifications to manage your symptoms.

ADHD Medication

ADHD is a difficult disorder to deal with, but thankfully there are many medications available today that can help. The most common medication for ADHD are stimulants but there are other nonstimulant medication options as well depending on your medical history and specific goals.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Another common practice for treatment of ADHD that has proven effective is behavioral therapy. This treatment has been shown consistentlly as one of the most effective types of therapy for ADHDanxiety and depression

ADHD Treatment

In some cases, you may find that the symptoms associated with your ADHD are also minimized by making daily changes. For the majority of patients, a lifestyle change is not a substitute for medical and regular therapy; it is a supplement to help boost the improvements in your wellness brought on by proper management of your mental health.

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Frequently Asked Questions About ADHD

The exact cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not fully understood and is complex.  A combination of factors is thought to be responsible with no single identifiable cause.

  • Genetics- Research shows that ADHD does tend to be more common in individuals that have close family members that also have been diagnosed with ADHD.
  • Anatomical/Biological- Research has shown there are differences typically found when looking at the anatomy, structure and function of neurotransmitters in the brains of people with ADHD compared to those without.
  • Medical History- you may be more prone to experience ADHD symptoms or be diagnosed with ADHD if you have a history of head trauma, premature at birth or seizures

Your provider will typically ask a series of questions related to the symptoms you are experiencing as well as how long they have occurred.  Typical questions include your ability to focus and follow through with tasks along with any issues with sleep, mood, anxiety, or any medical issues. 

The evaluation is performed in a conversational way so that your provider can get a better idea of your symptoms and the best treatment options to recommend.

The single most important part of an accurate ADHD diagnosis is a comprehensive evaluation by a licensed professional where they will ask questions in a conversational, yet structured, manner about your symptoms and how these symptoms interfere with daily life.

Your provider will ask questions about various issues such as ongoing daily life stressors, any specific issues with focus or attention you are noticing, along with questions related to your mood or any current anxiety issues that could also be present.

An ADHD evaluation typically takes 45 minutes to an hour with your provider who will ask you symptoms and your clinical history.

Common triggers include: stress, poor sleep, certain foods and additives, overstimulation, and technology. You can identify the triggers for ADHD symptoms and make lifestyle changes to improve your control.

Both disorders cause mood problems, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, and other symptoms. However, there are some differences. Emotions: ADHD moods are transient, precipitated by a setback. Depression is a common and persistent condition. Motivation: Individuals with ADHD are overwhelmed by deciding what to do first.

Not at all!

Patients with ADHD tend to flourish in interpersonal interactions, adapt well in fast-paced environments or jobs that are hands-on, and tend to be extraordinarily creative and engaging!

It is true that untreated ADHD can potentially hinder your ability to appropriately manage your time and prioritize tasks without distractions. However, there are various medications options and strategies proven to minimize and manage your symptoms and help you flourish academically or professionally.

You don’t have to feel alone with your ADHD struggles! The most important thing is finding the right provider to discuss with you the best treatment options to help you feel your best and achieve your goals.

What is the worst age for ADHD symptoms? The symptoms of hyperactivity are typically most severe at age 7 to 8, gradually declining thereafter. Peak severity of impulsive behavior is usually at age 7 or 8.

Is ADHD worsened with age? ADHD does not usually get worse with age, if the person is aware of the symptoms and knows how they can be managed.

Under the ADA, for some patients if determined by your psychiatrist you are an appropriate candidate, you do have certain rights that allows for reasonable accommodations to be requested from your employer or academic institution. These often can include extended time for test taking or work tasks, having a designated area that has minimal external distractions to help you perform at your best.

If your employer fails to cooperate or denies an accommodation request, you have the right to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

ADHD is not considered any type of a learning disability and there have been shown no consistent lower scores in IQ for patients that have been diagnosed with ADHD.

Undiagnosed ADHD symptoms are commonly reported as failing to pay attention to details, making careless mistakes, or having difficulty organizing tasks and activities. Ongoing issues with procrastination and prioritization are common such as avoiding tasks that require sustained mental effort. 

Other commonly reported ADHD symptoms are forgetfulness, being easily distracted by your surroundings, restlessness, or feeling fidgety.

ADHD adults may have difficulty focusing and prioritizing, which can lead to missed deadlines, forgotten meetings, or social plans. The inability to control impulses can range from impatience waiting in line or driving in traffic to mood swings and outbursts of anger.

While there are many treatment options available for ADHD in adults that include medication management, there are some non-medication options available as well. These can include therapy or working with an ADHD coach to promote healthy habits and coping mechanisms. 

Adults with ADHD can get help managing their symptoms in many different ways!  Most commonly they receive treatment from their doctor for ADHD with medication management however there are other additional options such as ADHD coaching or therapy.

Leaving ADHD untreated can have long-term lasting effects on many aspects of someone’s life depending on how ADHD impacts you as an individual. It may affect your job performance or even personal relationships.

Currently, there are quite a few effective and FDA-approved medication options for adults with ADHD. There is no one specific medication that is deemed the “best” for adults.

However, research has shown that adults usually respond best to a class of medications called stimulants. Even with this in mind, ultimately, the best medication for someone can vary widely based on their personal needs, health status, and daily schedule.

It is important to find an ADHD specialist to help you find the best medication treatment regimen to best suit your specific needs. 

While there are many different medications available for ADHD, some of the newest options include medications like Vyvanse, Mydayis, Jornay PM, Adzenys, and Adhansia XR.

While there are quite a few medications available on the market to treat ADHD, some of the most commonly prescribed include Adderall, Adderall XR, Vyvanse, Ritalin, Concerta, Focalin, and Dexedrine.

Some of the longest-lasting ADHD medications include options such as Adderall XR, Adzenys, Concerta, and Vyvanse which can last between 8-12 hours.

Mydayis typically lasts 12-16 hours and Adhansia XR can typically last up to 16 hours after taking the medication.