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Distinguishing The Types Of Eating Disorders

5 Types of Eating Disorders These disorders are very similar and are often difficult to distinguish. However, there are important differences between them. 1. Binge Eating Disorder Binge eating disorder is a condition in which a person overeats in a short amount of time. This is often accompanied by feelings of guilt and shame. Other […]

An Awareness About Eating Disorders

What is Eating Disorder? Eating disorders can affect anyone, but their cause is unknown. There are physical and psychological factors involved in their development. Those who do not fit society’s standards of beauty are more susceptible to developing these disorders. They may feel inferior and lack self-esteem. Treatment options vary, depending on the severity of […]

Postpartum Depression: A Reference Guide

What Is Postpartum Depression? Postpartum depression can cause new parents to lose interest in their baby and feel anxious about caring for it. Other symptoms include not wanting the baby or having thoughts of harming it. If you suspect that you are suffering from postpartum depression, seek help from your healthcare provider. This could be […]

Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? Obsessive-Compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder. The sufferer performs compulsions to relieve the distress caused by obsessions. These compulsions may involve rituals, washing, cleaning, or mental acts. They are driven by the obsessions that drive the sufferer to perform them. OCD Symptoms OCD is a condition in which an […]

Understanding Neurocognitive Disorders In More Depth

What are Neurocognitive Disorders? If you are concerned that you may be suffering from a neurological disorder, you should get tested by a doctor. These disorders can range from mild to major and are increasing in frequency across the world. Read on to learn about the symptoms and risk factors of these disorders. You can […]

Dealing With Mental Illness

The Best Ways To Manage Mental Health Dealing With Mental Illness can be difficult and can affect your life in many different ways. While the illness itself is a serious problem, it is also possible to cope with the symptoms by developing coping strategies. These strategies will vary depending on your situation and the person’s […]

Mental Health Care: Can A Doctor Help?

A Guide To A Right Mental Health Care The first step to getting the right mental health treatment is making an appointment with your healthcare provider. Let them know about your symptoms and any major changes in your life that may have contributed to your depression. Your healthcare provider may suggest some medications or other […]

How To Find A Doctor For Adult ADHD

Finding An Adult ADHD Specialist There are several factors you should consider when you are searching for an Adult ADHD specialist. Some of them include the types of professionals and the efficacy of their treatment methods. It is important to seek professional assistance and avoid being dismissed by a person with a medical degree, who […]

How ADHD Might Affect Your Life?

ADHD’s Devastating Effects Many symptoms of ADHD go undetected during childhood. In the past, ADHD was not as common, so you might have been labeled as a troublemaker, slacker, or dreamer. While you were able to compensate for these symptoms as a child, it’s more common for people with ADHD to have difficulties managing their […]

How Does Depression Affect Your Life?

Depression’s Bad Effects There are several causes of depression and symptoms that you should be aware of. These include a lack of interest in once pleasurable activities and a general feeling of sadness. Moreover, the emotional and physical symptoms of depression can affect the way you work and function in everyday life. To deal with […]