The Difference Between ADHD & ADD In Adults
Adult ADHD Vs Adult ADD Whether you’re dealing with Adult ADHD or Adult ADD, you’re not alone. In fact, one in five people will suffer from either one at some point in their lives. But the good news is that you don’t have to let it control your life. In fact, there are many treatments […]
How To Find A Doctor For Adult ADHD
Finding An Adult ADHD Specialist There are several factors you should consider when you are searching for an Adult ADHD specialist. Some of them include the types of professionals and the efficacy of their treatment methods. It is important to seek professional assistance and avoid being dismissed by a person with a medical degree, who […]
How ADHD Might Affect Your Life?
ADHD’s Devastating Effects Many symptoms of ADHD go undetected during childhood. In the past, ADHD was not as common, so you might have been labeled as a troublemaker, slacker, or dreamer. While you were able to compensate for these symptoms as a child, it’s more common for people with ADHD to have difficulties managing their […]
ADHD Medications: Which Is Right for Me?
Helpful Info About ADHD Medications There are a vast number of different medications available for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD). The process of choosing the most effective ADHD medication differs from one person to the other. Individuals with ADHD might be overwhelmed with the numerous medications available and how they […]