Everyone needs a mentor in their life. A mentor is usually one of those people who give you life lessons before you learn them the hard way.
In today’s competitive world, it can become a challenge to find your ground. While there are many people out there who may help you and mentor you, at the end of the day, you must fend for yourself and do what makes sense to you.
As humans, we tend to trust others and look for a shoulder to cry on. As mentioned earlier, today’s world is a competitive one. You would be lucky if you found yourself a good mentor. Keep the below points in mind when you strive to become your own mentor.
Most People Will Resist Change
You may have certain ways you like things done and may not like to change it. However, just because something has been done a certain way does not mean it is the ONLY way to do it. Take ideas and inputs from others. Someone may come up with a brilliant idea that can help you.
Learn From Things Around You
Look around you and see if your environment has accepted the need to continue development and enable others to grow. It is always good to be in an environment that helps others thrive. Look at things around you and learn from them.
Look Within For Inspiration
What kind of environment do you need to be successful? Look out for the type of people who push you to be the best version of yourself and spend more time with them. Don’t let yourself settle for anything less.
What Really Satisfies You
This is extremely important. While you are on your journey to a successful life and career, it is important to think about what gives you happiness. What gives your life meaning and value? Getting answers to these questions is critical to your growth and development.
Don’t Force Things
Let go of situations that are not working for you. Remember, you cannot force anything to happen. If something didn’t work out the first one or two times, chances are it won’t work out in the future as well.
Trust Your Judgement
You must be able to trust your judgment. If you don’t trust yourself and your ideas and thoughts, no one else will. Keep all the good things you have learned along the way in mind. Forget anything that didn’t work for you. Do things differently and trust your gut and judgment about something when you try it.
Remember, different types of people will thrive in different cultures and environments. Many people will advise you on what to do and what not to do. It is up to you to chart out your own path and grow towards success. If you start looking at yourself as your own mentor, you will not depend on other people’s opinions. YOur only focus will be your growth and development.